Let’s Talk About Some Aniplex Online Fest 2023 Trailers

Alright Aniplex, what have you got for us?

Well that was definitely a promo image, right? I know the original manga by reputation considering it’s one of the new-gen Shonen Jump series by the writer of Neuro and Assassination Classroom. Other than that and how the main female lead looks, I know literally nothing about the series. Will it be another big Shonen Jump hit? Cloverworks has a higher chance of being good than A-1 for the most part, but I don’t know, especially considering we’re not seeing any actual animation in this trailer.

From what I can gather of this upcoming movie, it’s basically a slice-of-life story about a department store concierge and how she adapts to her new job. Also, all of the clientele are talking animals and demons and such. Not usually one for stories like those, but the animal theme does have my attention and the art direction from that trailer looks cool. Just need to remember this movie when it actually gets released.

Okay, do we really need this blatant cash grab? It’s just an edited version of Kizumonogatari. Why would anyone pay money for this and not the three films that already exist? I know why Shaft needs this movie to exist because it’s been years since they’ve had any degree of financial success, but why would the fanbase?

Again, a trailer with mostly promo images and no actual animation. You pretty much have to be excited for more Black Butler in general to get anything out of this. I guess the school premise is interesting for some people, but I have yet to see an anime where the character going to school actually enhanced the story instead of making it generic as fuck. Didn’t like it with Magus Bride. Didn’t like it with Mushoku Tensei. Didn’t like it with Gundam. We can’t all be Fire Emblem: Three Heroes now can we?

I haven’t watched Blue Exorcist yet so I don’t have much of an opinion besides the trailer being okay. I did see the fanbase being happy at what’s to come, so this must be some moderately hyped arc they’re adapting, right?

We really need to turn Kirito/Inosuke into actual pig now for our isekai? Are you serious? And yes, I recognize that voice actor doing his Kirito voice in that trailer. That’s literally the only reason I’m spotlighting this, as I couldn’t be assed to watch more than a few seconds since I know I’m not going to watch this. Fuck these light/web novel isekai adaptations and fuck the fanbase who insist that the vending machine one is worth watching.

I have high doubts that this is going to be the anime that proves manhwa can be successful source material, especially when the character designs look that ugly. Also, I should probably point out here that I’m not going to look at every single trailer like the workplace comedy or the one with the fox boy who looks like he’s from Kamisama Kiss because I can’t summon any interest for them.

Alright, finally a big name here. I’m sure most people in this hobby are at least aware of Solo Leveling given that it’s one of the most popular webtoons of all-time. From what I gather, it’s basically what Sword Art Online was to light novels back in the day. I never read it myself, but I do know it’s a power fantasy that popularized the trend to the point that almost every webtoon had a system where the protagonist could see his own stats and such. Not many people consider the writing itself to be amazing, but the artwork was seen as godly.

Artwork that is definitely not going to be in this anime adaptation, so you’re just left with the power fantasy story. A-1 is definitely not giving this the high-quality adaptation you’d expect to see from the Shonen Jump blockbusters, although it doesn’t look awful. It just looks fine, which is not something you want to hear concerning something as huge as Solo Leveling. I’m not even expecting this to have much staying power, but who knows?

So here’s the trailer that everyone was anticipating given how so much more popular it was compared to everything else in Aniplex Festa. Obviously Madoka isn’t as big as it used to be, as I’ve noticed that the people who are excited for this are mostly those who watched Madoka back when it was the hottest shit. That’s not a bad thing though, as the trailer makes it clear that it knows its’ fanbase is big enough that just catering to them is all it has to do. I don’t really get what the plot for this will be, but I see the dark visual direction and spectacular Shaft animation that pretty much defines Madoka Magica in that trailer, and that’s pretty much all you should need to determine if you want to watch this.

I don’t have an opinion either which way. If my friends want to see this in theaters, I’ll join them.

And those are all the Aniplex trailers I’m willing to acknowledge. I know that there was some Bunny Girl Senpai announcements, but it’s just a key visual and I don’t really care about having an opinion based on just that. The Madoka announcement is obviously the big highlight. Everything else? I wish I was more hyped for the shonen announcements, but I don’t have a lot to go off of with them. The  recent Undead Unluck announcement that it’d be two cours had me more excited in all honesty.

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